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Excerpts from Kisses for Elena 


By Timothious


We come into this world incomplete.

We are constantly looking for someone.

Not just that any someone but the one that makes us complete.

We are looking for the one.


We fall head over in heels in love.

Thinking we have found the one.

That one that makes our heart flutter like wings on a dove.

We make are selves happy with this one.


Yet we still feel the missing feeling.

Wait did we not find them?

Was this true love?

Was this not THE one?


The incompleteness is still there.

You look upon it I see it is still there.

But what of the feelings?

What of the emotions?


Yes you had some.

And yes those were strong

And you do care for this person you chose

But still something is missing.


You have children thinking this could be the missing part.

Again you are happy

Yet there is still the longing,

The pull from some where else,

From someone else.


Your children grow

You are proud of them

They do things that make you happy

Yet still there is the missing piece.


You now know there is something

But you have long put it out of your mind

You’re supposed to be happy right?

You have not wandered though the urge is there.


Then one day you spouse comes to you.

They have seen it in your eyes.

Because they have seen it theirs.

They have been happy yet the are still incomplete.


You departed as friends

And go your separate ways

Now you really feel the longer.

Is it to late?


Have you wasted all this time?

Are they still out there?

Have they done the same thing you did?

Are they still with some one else?


You move from relationship to relationship.





Then you fall in despair

Not caring any more.

You are just trying to be happy,

And something happens.


Some one comes along.

There is something about them.

But the search has made you numb.

It has made you dumb.


Yet you start a relationship with this one.

That is something special there

It is different

You want to spend all your time with them.


Yet your search has dull your senses.

You decide you should keep your options open

You keep this one close

But you still look around.


Others come and go

Yet nothing compares with this one.

You think maybe

But just quickly the numbness is back.


Yet your heart aches when they are not around.

You wear your emotions on your sleeve

Each moment you have no contact with them

You loose more of yourself.


When you are together

Energy fills you

There is more than a spark

There is fire.


Passions burn so bright that it can be seen everywhere.

Others see it

But you, you know there is something,

When they are away things fade.


You fill your time with other passions

Doing other things that interest you

Seeing other people that interest you

But nothing that completes you.


Then they come back

And it is all there again

The fire

The passion


My darling

My love

You are the one that completes me.

With out you I am broken

There is nothing that can mend me,

But you.

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